Current for the 2017 competition season |
Total wave score will still be based on a 20 point scale with the components of Surfing and Lifting now being worth 10 points each. Based on feedback over the years from ITSA team members, two major factors drove the decision to revise the ITSA Scoring System in 2015:
Wave Score = Average Surf Score* + Total Points from Top Four Lifts (max 10 pts)**
* Three surf judges are required for every contest and surf scores are awarded on a standard 10 point scale.
** Each sanctioned lift is assigned a point value based on difficulty. The top four lifts for each wave are scored (more than four lifts can be executed, but the lower scoring lift(s) will be thrown out). Cumulative lift score cannot exceed 10 points.
SURF SCORE GUIDELINES: Emphasis is on surfing maneuvers executed while in a lift according to typical longboard standards and criteria.
DUPLICATE LIFTS: The same lift may be executed more than once in a heat, but will only be awarded points on the highest scoring wave. Any lift executed more than once in a heat will be awarded zero points on all lower scoring waves.
THREE SECOND RULE APPLIES: A lift must be held in their fully executed state for a minimum of three seconds to be scored and awarded full point value.
TOP TWO WAVES COUNT: The scores from the top two waves in each heat are averaged to obtain the overall heat score.
- To equally reward surfing and lifting so that emphasis would be on both skill sets
- To add transparency and clarity for teams to understand how they are being scored
Wave Score = Average Surf Score* + Total Points from Top Four Lifts (max 10 pts)**
* Three surf judges are required for every contest and surf scores are awarded on a standard 10 point scale.
** Each sanctioned lift is assigned a point value based on difficulty. The top four lifts for each wave are scored (more than four lifts can be executed, but the lower scoring lift(s) will be thrown out). Cumulative lift score cannot exceed 10 points.
SURF SCORE GUIDELINES: Emphasis is on surfing maneuvers executed while in a lift according to typical longboard standards and criteria.
- Wave selection
- Functional maneuvers on the wave (especially while in a lift)
- Length of ride
- Kick out (i.e. completing the wave, controlled dismount of the lift back to the board)
- 0 - 3.5 pts for a wave ridden mostly in the white water
- 3.5 - 7 pts for a wave ridden on the shoulder with surf maneuvers
- 7 - 10 pts for a wave ridden in the critical sections with surf maneuvers (emphasis on overhead lifts)
- Minor Form Break: 0.1 pts
- Major Form Break : 0.3 pts
- Lift held > 2 seconds, but < 3 seconds: 1.0 pts
- Fall while in lift after held for > 3 seconds: 1.0 pts
- Uncontrolled dismount @ end of wave***: 0.5 pts
DUPLICATE LIFTS: The same lift may be executed more than once in a heat, but will only be awarded points on the highest scoring wave. Any lift executed more than once in a heat will be awarded zero points on all lower scoring waves.
THREE SECOND RULE APPLIES: A lift must be held in their fully executed state for a minimum of three seconds to be scored and awarded full point value.
TOP TWO WAVES COUNT: The scores from the top two waves in each heat are averaged to obtain the overall heat score.
Weigh-in Rule (does not apply to amateur teams)
Prior to any ITSA-sanctioned event, both members of a competing team will be required to participate in an official weigh-in to be announced and conducted by the Head Judge. At the sole discretion of the Head Judge, teams may also be required to weigh-in again one (1) additional time at any point during the contest if there is concern about extreme measures being taken for rapid weight loss/gain prior to the official weigh-in. The ITSA does not condone and will not tolerate unhealthy risks (i.e. chugging water, taking diuretics, etc.) taken by any team to drastically modify their weight before and/or during an event.
For teams to receive their full score, it is strongly encouraged that the female partner weigh at least 50% of her male partner's weight. Point deductions will apply to a team's overall heat score if the team does not make this weight guideline.*
EXAMPLE 1: Male partner weighs 200 lbs and Female partner weighs 105 lbs
200 lbs x 50% = 100 lbs
Female partner weighs > 100 lbs; weight guideline achieved and no point deduction applies
* If the female partner is less than 50% of her male partner's weight, the following deductions will apply to the team's overall heat score per pound or kilo that she is underweight (subject to rounding at the discretion of the Head Judge):
EXAMPLE 2: Male partner weighs 200 lbs and Female partner weighs 95 lbs
200 lbs x 50% = 100 lbs
100 lbs - 95 lbs = 5 lbs underweight
5 lbs x 0.25 pt = 1.25 pt deduction applies
EXAMPLE 3: Male partner weighs 200 lbs and Female partner weighs 85 lbs
200 lbs x 50% = 100 lbs
100 lbs - 85 lbs = 15 lbs underweight
15 lbs x 0.25 pt = 3.75 pt
Maximum deduction is 3.0 points, so 3.0 pt deduction applies
For teams to receive their full score, it is strongly encouraged that the female partner weigh at least 50% of her male partner's weight. Point deductions will apply to a team's overall heat score if the team does not make this weight guideline.*
EXAMPLE 1: Male partner weighs 200 lbs and Female partner weighs 105 lbs
200 lbs x 50% = 100 lbs
Female partner weighs > 100 lbs; weight guideline achieved and no point deduction applies
* If the female partner is less than 50% of her male partner's weight, the following deductions will apply to the team's overall heat score per pound or kilo that she is underweight (subject to rounding at the discretion of the Head Judge):
- 0.25 points/lb if competing in the USA or UK
- 0.50 points/kilo if competing in Europe or Australia
- Maximum deduction of 3.0 points
EXAMPLE 2: Male partner weighs 200 lbs and Female partner weighs 95 lbs
200 lbs x 50% = 100 lbs
100 lbs - 95 lbs = 5 lbs underweight
5 lbs x 0.25 pt = 1.25 pt deduction applies
EXAMPLE 3: Male partner weighs 200 lbs and Female partner weighs 85 lbs
200 lbs x 50% = 100 lbs
100 lbs - 85 lbs = 15 lbs underweight
15 lbs x 0.25 pt = 3.75 pt
Maximum deduction is 3.0 points, so 3.0 pt deduction applies